What is a Bernedoodle?
Bernedoodles are a cross between the Bernese mountain dog and the standard poodle. They are cuddly, affectionate, playful, and love receiving attention from their owners, which makes them a good addition to any family.

Frequently Asked Questions
What size is a Bernedoodle?
Answer: At Buckeye Ridge, we breed two sizes of Bernedoodles: Mini, and Standard. Miniatures will stand between 18 and 22 inches tall and weigh between 25 and 49 pounds. The standard-sized bernedoodle will stand between 23 and 29 inches tall and weigh between 50 and 90 pounds.
2. How is their Temperament?
Answer: Bernedoodles are affectionate, loyal, and playful and are often thought of as the perfect family pet.
3. Are they Good with Kids?
Answer: Bernedoodles have a gentle nature and are typically good with kids. They love to play with children and show affection.
4. Do Bernedoodles Shed?
Answer: Bernedoodles can shed, but depending on whether the poodle or Bernese mountain dog trait is the strongest, they might not shed a lot. The curlier your bernedoodle’s fur is, the less likely they are to shed and the more brushing and grooming they will require. Bernedoodles with straighter, longer fur will require less brushing, but they are also more prone to shedding fur throughout the day.
5. Do you Need to Groom a Bernedoodle?
Answer: You will need to groom your bernedoodle through regular brushings, especially if they have very curly fur that is prone to becoming tangled. Brush your dog several times a week and take them to a groomer several times a year (every three to four months is recommended) for a full bath, help with deshedding, and to trim up any fur that may be making them uncomfortable or getting in their eyes.
6. Are Bernedoodles Good Service Dogs?
Answer: Due to their eager-to-please nature, high intelligence, and loving attitude, the bernedoodle does make for a good service dog. The standard size of this breed can be trained as a guide dog or mobility assistance dog, and all sizes of bernedoodle can help out as medical alert or psychiatric service dogs.